Tawaw - Welcome

Kitaskīnaw learning

“Excellence in Indigenous Education”

Kitaskīnaw  is  a Nehinawewin (Swampy-Cree)  word that translates as “Our Land”

It is a homage to our Indigenous ancestors who’ve sung our songs, shared our stories, lived in unity with the land, and spoke our languages long before colonization.

Kitaskīnaw Learning is committed to the revitalization of Indigenous languages within schools and communities, the return of Indigenous peoples to the lands and their lands to them; to past, present and future generations of learners. 

Agamēhimohk - Let’s Keep Going

Wāpatamowin - Vision

“Tānsi,Kato Carriere nitsinīgāson, Kāhministigominahigoskāhk nīna-ochi”

Hello everybody, my name is Kato Carriere and I am from Cumberland House Cree Nation, Treaty 5. I am an experienced knowledge keeper, and Swampy-Cree language speaker.

I am the founder of Kitaskīnaw Learning, a platform committed to teaching Indigenous youths, communities, and peoples their language. I teach by rekindling our connection to the land and by re-affirming our relationships with all living beings.

My vision, my goal, is to be able to teach Indigenous peoples to be proud to speak their language and to one day hear it spoken daily.